Projekat: FATRA – poboljšanje pravila

 Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with colleagues from Transparency International of the Czech Republic, is implementing the project “FATRA – FAir and TRAnsparent Political Competition in Serbia”

 Project objectives: 

  1. Setting transparent and effective rules of political party financing
  2. Increasing the awareness about the topic of political party and election campaign financing within the (Serbian) civil society

Predložak za panel diskusiju o Zakonu o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti TS i TI Češka 22.6.2021 

Proposal for the panel discussion: Four current topics of election campaign financing in Serbia and the experience of the Czech Republic

Czech expirience – extract

Poziv na panel diskusiju/okrugli sto 

Invitation – round table

Transparency Serbia comments related to ODIHR 2020 recommendations and announced legislative changes

TS komentari i predlozi – Zakon o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti decembar 2021

 TS Amandmani na Nacrt zakona o izboru narodnih poslanika decembar 2021

Dopis političkim strankama učesnicama dijaloga o izbornim uslovima