Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with colleagues from Transparency International of the Czech Republic, is implementing the project “FATRA – FAir and TRAnsparent Political Competition in Serbia”
Project objectives:
- Setting transparent and effective rules of political party financing
- Increasing the awareness about the topic of political party and election campaign financing within the (Serbian) civil society
Poziv na panel diskusiju/okrugli stoĀ
Transparency Serbia comments related to ODIHR 2020 recommendations and announced legislative changes
TS komentari i predlozi – Zakon o finansiranju politiÄkih aktivnosti decembar 2021
Ā TS Amandmani na Nacrt zakona o izboru narodnih poslanika decembar 2021
Dopis politiÄkim strankama uÄesnicama dijaloga o izbornim uslovima